Dustin's Blog — Aquariums on a budget

So, Your Kid Wants a Fish Tank

Posted by Augusta Hosmer on

Read Time: 5 mins "LOOK a fish tank!" "Can we go see the fish?!" "IT'S NEMO!" Haven't met a kid yet who saw an aquarium and didn't immediately run over to press their face against the glass and ask me what all the fish's names were. If you're looking for a fun family project, a first pet, a healthy outlet/hobby, a classroom pet, or cool ways to teach and entertain your kids, aquariums are an epic option. We've got some tips and tricks to make it easier.  Freshwater or Saltwater Aquarium? For most families, freshwater is the easiest, most readily...

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14 Ways to Make Your Aquarium Cheaper

Posted by Augusta Hosmer on

Read Time: 7 mins Aquariums are an epic hobby (especially when you throw plants in the mix), but they've understandably earned a reputation for being too expensive. And that reputation is partially well-earned, especially if you have multiple tanks, uncommon fish species, are just starting out with no equipment, need good plant lights, etc. That said, there are ways to cut costs without sacrificing on your tank. Check 'em out: 1. Do your research to set up a balanced aquarium A healthy aquarium is lower-maintenance and will have fewer maintenance costs long-term as result. A balanced tank prevents fish and...

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