Dustin's Blog — Aquarium Maintenance

14 Ways to Make Your Aquarium Cheaper

Posted by Augusta Hosmer on

Read Time: 7 mins Aquariums are an epic hobby (especially when you throw plants in the mix), but they've understandably earned a reputation for being too expensive. And that reputation is partially well-earned, especially if you have multiple tanks, uncommon fish species, are just starting out with no equipment, need good plant lights, etc. That said, there are ways to cut costs without sacrificing on your tank. Check 'em out: 1. Do your research to set up a balanced aquarium A healthy aquarium is lower-maintenance and will have fewer maintenance costs long-term as result. A balanced tank prevents fish and...

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Narration on Aeration

Posted by Augusta Hosmer on

FAQ's and troubleshooting for aquarium air pumps, air stones, oxygen-producing plants, etc. Read Time: ~10 mins What is dissolved oxygen, anyway, and why do aquarium people keep talking about it?  Brace yourselves for a super technical definition.Dissolved oxygen (DO)...is the amount of atmospheric oxygen dissolved in the water. It's mostly introduced through water surface movement, so a white water rapid will typically have more dissolved oxygen than a still swamp. Why does dissolved oxygen matter in aquariums? Simply put, because your animals and plants need to breathe. It's a common aquarium myth that fish pull oxygen from water molecules when...

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Fishtank Fertilizer FAQ

Posted by Augusta Hosmer on

Read Time: 7 mins Welcome back to part 146,225,453 of aquarium concepts companies like to make complicated for absolutely no reason! You're starting a planted tank and you realize, "Oh, hey, my plants look good now, but I bet they'd look amazing if I fertilized them." You Google aquarium fertilizers and are blasted with dozens of products, ads, and advice forums and none of them say the same thing. Don't worry. Choosing and using aquarium ferts is a lot easier than it looks - and you may not even need them. Here, we'll answer some of the most commonly asked...

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Aquarium Science Series: Water Chemistry without the Che-misery

Posted by Augusta Hosmer on

A Huge Guide to Freshwater Aquarium pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Nitrites/Nitrates/Ammonia, Water Hardness, and All the Molecules Bouncing Around Between Your Fish - without Feeling Lost or Like You Want to Fall Asleep in Class Read Time: 12 mins "This 8 oz bottle will prevent and cure all fish diseases, fix all your water, grow a tank-wide bacteria colony in 7.2 minutes, and bring your childhood goldfish back from the dead for $42.99! Ignore the other 600 8oz bottles that say the exact same thing!" is what it feels like walking down an aquarium aisle these days.  Before you go into debt buying products...

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Crack to Basics: How to Fix Up Broken Aquariums

Posted by Augusta Hosmer on

Read Time: 13 minutes Welcome to part two of all you ever wanted to know about working with used fish tanks! In part one, we told you how to find them, buy them, and clean them. In this part, we'll show you what to do if you either buy a used tank with damage or an existing setup gets damaged.  How to Prevent Damage in the First Place The easiest way to keep your aquarium from getting damaged is to put it on the right stand, especially if you have a top-heavy vertical tank. Keeping the tank level, all the bottom edges...

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