GRAB Our Best Selling Combo Get 4 Plants for ONLY $19.95 3300+ Reviews
A+ "Must Have for Planted Tanks" Plant Booster GROWTH JUICE- (Our OWN Special Aquarium Plant Fertilizer) #1
Water Wisteria AKA The HARDIEST Hygrophila (Hygrophila difformis)
Dwarf Sagittaria Subulata (Easiest Foreground Plant)
Alternanthera Reineckii "Variegated" (5-6 inches) (Our #1 Selling Aquarium Plant)
Can't Kill it Planted Combo
Bacopa caroliniana 'Yellow flame' (GOLDFISH PROOF!)
"GREAT START for a planted tank" The Beginner's Planted Aquarium Combo
Ludwigia Repens (Absolutely Stunning Aquarium Plant)
Anubias Nana (Our Best Selling Anubias Aquarium Plant)
Anubias Nana Petite (Amazing Aquascaping Plant)
Anubias Barteri "Broadleaf" (Our Largest Anubias)
Alternanthera Reineckii "Regular"
Ludwigia Inclinata (Wow Red)
Hygrophila cordata 'Red' ( Gangster Red Aquarium Plant for Sale)
Pogostemon Stellata “Octopus”
Pointy Swords. Unique AMAZON Sword.
Hygrophila corymbosa 'Parawitota' RUGGED
Beginner Aquarium Plant Package
Bacopa Salzmannii Purple
Anubias Golden
Rotala Rotundifolia Regular
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Ludwigia Lovers Combo (Get 5 Plants)