Rotala Rotundifolia Green Plant
They are fairly easy to keep and are a beginner plant. The Rotundifolia has a moderate growth rate and enjoys Iron supplementation to fill it's color. Check out the "Red" variant!
We give it a 2 on a difficulty scale from 1 to 10!
Care Scale of 1-10:
2. Rotala is included in our BEGINNER PLANTED AQUARIUM COMBO PACKAGE for a reason! It's easy!
My experience with Rotala is that it is undemanding of high light, but will grow more compact in higher light. Rotala rotundifolia will be a bit more leggy in lower light.
Where to Plant:
Anywhere from Foreground to background depending on how well you keep it, the size of your tank, and can easily be trimmed if it becomes too tall, but will never be as tall as a Hygro nachimale for example
Don't Forget To Buy our Growth Juice and Iron Supplements for your plants!!
Make sure you check out our other Rotalas. We have Rotala Macrandra, both BIG LEAF Rotala Macrandra and SMALL Leaf Rotala Macrandra