Anubias Nana (Our Best Selling Anubias Aquarium Plant)

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The photos labeled "RE-GROWN ANUBIAS NANA" is the plant that you will receive when you purchase the RE-GROWN version. The Re-Growns were very beaten up, but after some time in the Greenhouse in special conditions, THEY ARE THRIVING! 

Anubias Nana

Anubias Nana's a tough plant and can perhaps even be kept with cichlids without being eaten. (though I haven't kept cichlids with it in a long time so I am not saying that your fish won't destroy it) There are two things about Anubias Nana that you have to keep in mind when putting it in your aquarium. The first rule with Anubias of any kind is that it is very sensitive to temperature shock. Acclimate the plant like you would a fish.

The second thing about Anubias is that you want to tie it to a rock or drift wood and NOT put the plant down in the gravel of your tank. ( I let my Anubia find its own way down to the gravel, but don't put it there on its own.) You’ll get about 7 leaves on each piece. (Grown under water not above like most places…less shock) 

We often have some crazy other varieties of Anubias worth checking out like Anubias Coffeefolia, Anubias Gigantia and Anubias Barteri.

Care Scale of 1-10: ( 1- it can grow in your toilet- 10 being nearly impossible)

Anubias Nana is a 1.5   The only reason it is not a 1 is because it doesn't like soft water.


Can handle super low lighting, grows faster

NOTE: Anubias likes a bit of water flow as it is a slow grower and this will keep stuff off of its leaves.

Where to Plant:

Tie it to some driftwood or to a rock. (Ask us for FREE wire to go in with your order.) Again- Don't bury it in the gravel :)

To Buy our Growth Juice and Iron Supplements for your plants!!

Customer Reviews

Based on 487 reviews
Zachary Matthews
Love it

Arrived in great shape and they always take great care with the packaging! First time using Anubias in my tank and it’s thriving. I like the look on my driftwood and rocks!

Svitlana Geist

the plant arrived healthy and in good condition

Andy Schoumaker
Great plants!

My Anubias(x6) were in the mail for four days and arrived in perfect condition. Very healthy plants that look great.

Great seller and quick shipping!

Ordered some Regrown Anubias Nana. They look great on my 2.5 gallon Betta tank.

Jennifer Cobb
Regrown is still a star!

I took a chance and bought this one as regrown, because every anubias tank needs a nana or two. I was able to split this because it arrived in such great shape!