Anubias Golden
Ask for FREE WIRE and tie them to ANYTHING. This is a rugged plant at an awesome price.
ANUBIAS GOLDEN is wicked looking Anubias.
The leaves have a lighter "Golden" look to them. Treat this Anubias like any other Anubias.
Anubias Golden's a tough plant and can perhaps even be kept with cichlids without being eaten. (though I haven't kept cichlids with it in a long time so I am not saying that your fish won't destroy it) Simple solution. WIRE IT DOWN....
The second thing about Anubias is that you want to tie it to a rock or drift wood and NOT put the plant down in the gravel of your tank. ( I let my Anubias find its own way down to the gravel, but don't put it there on its own.)
We often have some crazy other varieties of Anubias worth checking out like Anubias Coffeefolia, Anubias Gigantia and Anubias Barteri.
Care Scale of 1-10: ( 1- it can grow in your toilet- 10 being nearly impossible)
Anubias Golden is a 1.5 The only reason it is not a 1 is because it doesn't like soft water.
Can handle super low lighting, grows faster
NOTE: Anubias likes a bit of water flow as it is a slow grower and this will keep stuff off of its leaves.
Where to Plant:
Tie it to some driftwood or to a rock. (Ask us for FREE wire to go in with your order.) Again- Don't bury it in the gravel :)
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