Dustins Dirted Tank Question Guide Digital Download
Buy the Dustin Dirted Tank Guide with a digital download by clicking here.
People have been asking for it and asking me about how to do it for about 2 years now. This is it. This is 16 pages of Q and A about Dirting your planted tank. I start off with straight up how it is done then go into 14 pages of all kinds of the craziest and perfectly legit questions about how to dirt your tank. Why should you pay $9 for it?
Simple. One tip in this book could save you from killing plants by doing your dirted tank wrong. (not to mention avoiding an algae mess) Look at the price of some of the substrates companies try to sell you, ala Eco Complete or Amano Soil. Buy this guide and avoid all of that. Do the Dirt People. This is how it is done. ...Or I've also got a 5 Step DVD of how to Dirt a tank if you want just watch how it is done.....
https://www.howtosetupaplantedtank.com/ or just Buy the Dustin Dirted Tank Guide with a digital download by clicking here.
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