Anubias barteri var. glabra "pinto" hybrid

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NOTE: The photos labeled "AS OF 1/30/24" is what the plant looks like that you will receive. These plants look variegated. It is not guaranteed that they will stay this way, because they have been grown above water. We are currently converting them. 

If you like this Anubias, check out our other Variegated Varieties: Anubias Nana Variegated and Anubias Minima Variegated!

There are some plants I just don't want to sell. 

I showed my Anubias loving friend Bryan this plant... his reply. "I want it all”

So I didn't put it on the site for while. I also wanted to make sure it would keep its great yellow colors. Well it did. SO here it is!

Check out Anubias Barteri var. glabra.

Why do they call it a Barteri when it looks like a thin leaf minima to me?  Not sure. 

Regardless this stuff is straight FIRE.

Hardy and FULL Portions. You will get ONE pot with enough anubias to break up into about three parts.

We have kept this plants under higher light conditions. (Hey- we have a greenhouse. life is good.)  

We have found this anubias like ALL Anubias likes a tad more waterflow.  DON'T Plant the rhizome down in the substrate or you might kill it.

Grab some. I am not sure how long these will last or if I can get them again.

Customer Reviews

Based on 71 reviews
Arrived with color

I was really excited to see this arrive with some yellow coloring. Got 2 plantings out of the pot. Great root system and lots of beautiful healthy leave. Can't wait to see it grow!

Charles D
Awesome plants

This is my 3rd shipment of these and the are doing well in different tanks.

Variegated Beauty

My husband has a love of variegated plants, so had to get him one for his tank.


Great upon arrival, big and healthy. Has not melted after a week in the tank.

Douglas Paroff
Blending in well

A week in my cichlids tank and so far still healthy looking and starting to grow!