Aquarium Lighting
The 220 in 2010
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The 220 is by far my best work to date in the aquarium hobby. Some of my other tanks have been great, but this is my best work yet. I recently added the rare Melatonia Fredricki (sp?) to the tank. (fish at 133) This helped me get back into the groove with it. I also added some of the fattest jungle val I have ever seen in the back. As you all know, I love jungle val, when I got this species at the AGA for 4$ I was thrilled. I don’t want this to sound like a bragging post,...
I'm afraid of the Nano and Palludarium
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I'm afraid of Nano tanks and Palludariums. There I said it. Imagine giving a painter the same size canvas every day for over 5 years and having him paint on that. Every now and then you could throw in one that was a little smaller than normal, but for the most part they are all the same. (55s,75s, 40 highs, 125s and 220's) (you might be thinking 220 is kinda outta the norm, your right, but I stared at it painfully for 2 years.) So now I am faced with a smaller canvas and a half canvas. It's not that...
Sculpting Your Canvas with Composition, Palette & Fish Selection: George Farmer Video Interview
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.Check out the new video... Dustin interviews George Farmer on the different Aquascaping styles!
Metal Halides on a 125 gallon planted tank
Posted by Dustin Wunderlich on
Fluorecent Lighting for the Planted Aquarium
Posted by Dustin Wunderlich on