New Dirted Tank Guide! WEBINAR ONLY $39.95
It's time for you to have better Planted Aquarium. This is the guide that shows you how to have an Amazing Planted Tank. I have been busting my ass to get this guide out and I am excited to share what the wait has been all about. This is the guide that shows you EVERYTHING you need to Dirt Your Planted Aquarium.
It is 64 pages of nothing but goodness with photos of every step of the process. I break it down for you in simple language, not overly technical. Just practical. This answers all of the questions.... Questions like... What kind of Dirt do I use? How much Dirt do I use? What sized gravel works best? Can I use clay? Can I reuse my old gravel? What about Eco- Complete? How long does Dirt last? What kinds of plants should I get? What should I do with my fish? or Won't it kill my fish?
You can get a digital download this guide all alone cheaper by clicking here...
https://www.howtosetupaplantedtank.com/dirted-tank-guide/ I am putting it up now as I feel it's time to get it in the hands of some fishtank people. If you have been looking for it, here it is, raw like shimmy shimmy ya from Ol' Dirty Bastard, or old Dirty Dustin. What you are getting by ordering through Dustin's Fishtanks is a HARD COPY that has already been reviewed by many people who have told me it's awesome... (the digital download is available at this link here, which is NOT a hard copy...https://www.howtosetupaplantedtank.com/ ) You won't be dissappointed, and if you are, I'll give you your money back. You have nothing to lose but an amazing mass of knowledge to gain. Enjoy. You can download it HERE...
Here is what Nick had to say about it...
"Let me begin by saying thank you. After reading this my eyes are wide open to a whole new world of aquatics. Everything in the dirted guide was simple and to the point. I can't believe how scared I was to try this before. Now I am almost too excited to set up all my tanks with dirt. I will most certainly be setting up one tank within the week for sure though. Not only will I continue to support you and continue to buy from you. But I am gonna spread the good word of the dirted gods to everyone. Thanks for calling me the other day too. It really shows how much you care about the people you are teaching. It made my day man. All in all I feel like I am confident enough to take on the dirt bully and kick his ass!"
And this is from a different Nick ;) Thanks to Dustin for showing us the path to dirtlightenment. Merry Christmas man!
Tank on! Dustin