33 Biggest Mistakes in your Aquarium
This is the longest video I have ever done.... It's 43 minutes of me talking about what NOT TO DO. I just turned 33. These are the 33 Mistakes, many that I have made and learned from in my 17 years of keeping fish WHY SCREW IT UP? This is what NOT to do. I go over all of the MISTAKES PEOPLE MAKE, The things that you need to watch out for. -How to buy a tank. -How to properly acclimate fish -Which piece of equipment that you CAN'T have Fail. and Universal Advice that will keep any tank running happier and healthier. If one of these tips saves you 20 bucks. It was worth it. This is for the download of the file. I'll send you over the 43 minute video that will keep your tank rolling strong and avoid costly Aquarium Mistakes!