Underwater Vs. Above Water Growth
This is constantly in debate and I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of different opinions. What is the
difference between an Immersed plant and a Submerged Plant. An Immersed plant is grown above
water. A submerged plant is grown underwater. The plant literally changes its leaf structure, in its
conversion, to a submerged state from an immersed state. In my experience the process from
converting a plant from an immersed state to a submerged one is a lengthy and ugly process. While the
process of transplanting a submerge plant to a different submersed environment is a far quicker and
much easier to enjoy process. In my personal opinion, I believe this is because the actual leaf structure
of the submerged plant is able to take in more light to stabilize itself during the time of its’ fluctuating
environment. Most of the Immersed plants that I’ve dealt with, will usually have a harder time being
moved and transplanted as well as having to deal with the stress of converting into its’ aquatic form.
Submerged plants definitely have been easier for me and my customers to deal with.
The difference in appearance is clear!