Silverfish Yearly Membeship
Get Access now to the Premium Content that you can’t find anywhere else.
Everything You Get!
Fellow Fish Tank People…THIS IS A NO BRAINER!
Sign up for Silver Fish…and know that it’s completely 100% Risk FREE. It is REALLY a no brainer!! You CAN’T lose.
EACH WEEK you’ll receive my “Dustin’s Fish Tank Newsletter” sent to you as an attachment in your email.
- This exclusive newsletter will be available to MEMBERS ONLY and will focus primarily on YOUR Questions, YOUR Needs, and YOUR fish tank desires.
- You’ll have access to the questions from every other member from the past week along with every answer I provided. This way you’ll be getting your questions answered and at the same time, learning from the questions submitted by other members.
- Other newsletter topics will also include current and important information you need to know in order to have the best fish tank possible. Such as:
- “How to look at your plants to see what they need.”
- “What kind of plants are best for certain substrate?”
- “What plants you should NEVER buy.”
- “I don’t want to Dirt my tank, so how do I keep great looking plants?”
- “Simple Plant combinations that will make a great Aquascape.”
- “How NOT to add fish to your aquarium.”
- Also, all Silver Fish Members will always get a 10% discount on all products and plants offered on my website (expect for lighting) for as long as you are a member.
You also get the SPECIAL BONUS: “The 33 Biggest Aquarium Mistakes” ($49 value) FREE