New York Aquascaping Contest 2017

2017 New York

Dustin’s Fishtanks, JBJ and Dennerle Aquascaping 


After the smashing success of both the California Aquascaping Contest and the New York Contest last year. I am pleased to be bringing this contest back to New York for a second round!

We only have the space for 16 competitors.  That’s it.

The EARLY BIRD Entry fee: $149.95

You must have your EARLY BIRD admission purchased before FRIDAY 5-19 at Midnight.

The Entry FEE AFTER 5-19  Entry fee will go to $169.

THE DROP DEAD- LAST DAY FOR ENTRY IS JUNE 2nd. PERIOD.  (We need time to make sure everything is ordered and ready.)

Contestants must submit ONE PHOTO of previous work to be shared to promote your entry to this contest.

PLEASE REVIEW the Rules below.

SCAPERS Tank Entrants at Reef-a-Palooza will receive the following:
• Scaper’s Tank 35 L – 40x32x28 (WxDxH)
• Heat insulating safety pad
• Nano Power LED 5.0
• Nano corner filter
• Nano Filter Extension
• Winner takes all. Winner receives $200 Cash, $100 coupon on Dustin’s Fish Tanks and 12 tissue culture plants (A box)

• Entrants assume all responsibility for travel expenses
• Aquascaping must be done from 9:30am – 5pm Saturday June 24th.
• Judging will take place Sunday Morning JUNE 25th
• Entrants are responsible for choosing and providing their hardscape, plants and animals for their aquascape.
• Entrants will be provided 4 Dennerle Plants at no cost.
• Additional plants will be available for purchase on site.
• The SCAPERS CUP will be displayed on the winning tank through the end of the Show, June 25th 2017
• At the end of Reef-a-Palooza, the small tanks will remain the property of the entrants.
• Tanks must be up and operating during ALL show days and hours. You may NOT dismantle your tank at any time before closing of show at 3:00 pm on Sunday. Tanks not claimed by 5:00pm Sunday will become the property of the Reef-a-Palooza

ENTER NOW – Email Pics of some of your previous work to  

Previous work submissions are required to help us promote both YOU as a scaper and confirm your skill level.

In the event of more than 16 people entering we will have to pick the top 16 based on previous work OR have to have something to show to Dennerle to get more tanks! 

If for some highly unlikely reason you sign up and are not selected, your money will be refunded promptly. Again- the only reason we mention this is if we have to turn people away if we run out of tanks.

When submitting your emails, make sure to let us know if we ARE or ARE NOT allowed to share pictures of your work on FB ect.

Again- Email your tank pics to