Crinum NATANS! (The Ultimate Monster Plant)

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NOTE: The photos labeled "MEDIUM" is the plant you will receive when you purchase the medium plant. 

NOTE: Photos labeled "MONSTER AQUATICA" are the MONSTERS for sale. There are only 3 in stock and you will receive one of the ones in the photos. 

Crinum Natans....

The Ultimate Aquarium Plant.  If I could have any job in the world, what would it be. 

Finding, retrieving and healing up plants like these.... It's the one on my T-shirts, It's the plant that over time has taken over my 220 gallon aquarium...

If Indiana Jones were an aquarium plant hunter, this would be the plant he would be going after.    Straight up, a tribe leader in Africa was paid for rights to collect these plants on his lands.

These are Crinum Natan.

These plants came in CUT way back.  Further back than I would have liked actually. (There is a balance of how many can you fit in the box, the more you fit the cheaper the shipping, and the more work for Dustin and crew)

We had these plants for 9 days now. (We got them in  This has been a great challenge for us.  A challenge and a labor of love I have been enjoying.   Growing out one of my favorite plants in my new Greenhouse 2.0 where i have the capacity to do so. 

To say I am happy with the results is an understatement.  You know how when you breed dogs they have the "Pick of the litter"  These 20 are the pick of the liter.  These are the 20 best plants I have hand selected.  

This is some of my best work.   These are some of my best plants. (Some with runners, some that are starting to flower.)  


To ensure the proper care of these babies we are ONLY Selling them in combination with our Growth Juice at this time.  These are wild collected plant.   They are now in extremely good health and we want to keep it that way.

We have Two options.

1.  The C. Natans Growth Juice Combo.

You will get ONE Hand picked Crinum Natans and a 500ml Bottle of our Growth Juice   ($39.95)


2. The Ultimate Crinum Natans Combo. 

One hand picked Crinum Natans, One 500 ml Bottle of Growth Juice and One 500m ML bottle of Iron for $49.95

YES- We will be selling them individually next week when more are grown out and up to our standards. They will be $29.95 each.


CRINUM CARE:  Crinum come from Africa. When you hear Africa think Cichlids and HARD WATER.  Now, you might not know if you have hard water, but these plants enjoy a higher mineral content.  This can easily be achieve by adding crushed coral, dolamite or aragonite to your aquarium.   DO THIS for best result for not just this plant but others.

Don't over think the hard water.  Our Growth Juice and Iron will keep your plants healthy.  (How the heck do you think we have grown them out?)

LIGHTING:  We have found that the fastest way to grow these plants (and basically ANY Plants is with high light.  That said, I have been growing my MONSTER Crinum Natans for years under medium to low light aquarium that is 30 inches tall.... and my Crinum Natans is now about 60 inches tall.

SUBSTRATE:   We have tested this plant in dirt and in plain old pea gravel. It has done better in dirt. (Shocker) BUT is still growing in plain gravel. NOTE: MY Friend Bryan also has NEVER done a dirted aquarium and has a Crinum Natans that is second only to mine in my 220.


   The stalks are between 3/4 of an inch or way more.  You will have some slightly brown edges, and brown in spots. This is just how the plant travels. THEY ARE HEALTHY. You are looking at the plants we are selling.

The bigger they get, the more they will cost. Grab one NOW.

Customer Reviews

Based on 120 reviews
Good sized healthy plant

Glad to finally be able to grow this rarity. Arrived in solid condition.

Brett Crawford
Crinum Natans

All I can say is WOW!! I ordered monsters and medium sizes, nicest crinum natans I seen in a long long time! If you have the opportunity to get your hands on these from Dustin don't hesitate! These exceeded my expectations for such a rare plant!

Michael McCann
Bigger that I thought

I was expecting a small one, but I received a very nice size plant.

Justin Burnette
hope for the best on this one

Unfortunately the Natan that I received looked like none in the photos. Barley even a root (1/4 in at most and only 1) Did have 4 leaves. Time will tell. Not bashing DT at all, I placed my order shortly after receiving the email that they had been back in stock. I had been following the Facebook feed.the plants had been sold out in 24 hrs. So I felt let I would get a decent plant being that my order would have been closer to a full stocking option to pick from. I will update in a few weeks and post any updates.

Hey Justin. Thank you for your business. I want to be clear on what you got there. We always try to put photos of our EXACT PLANTS up. Which is why we even include the number of the photo it comes from. That said we aren’t perfect. If you want to send a photo of the whole plant to greenhouse at we will take a look. But we do try to be very straight up on our stock particularly something crazy like this. If it doesn’t look like what we advertised (3.24) we will certainly work something out.


I have had this plant now for about 2 years. Since then it has grown, gotten chewed down to the stem and grown some more. In fact I have posted pics on here before because I am so amazed by this plant. I find myself looking at this plant more than the fish most days! Must buy! 6 stars